NS-10M02 Goddess Story Set
Product details
Two new rarities are introduced in this set, BGL and the Tri-Fold rarity, and double sided SPs, and FRs make a return in this set as well!
The new three-way folding "tri-fold" rarity is basically six cards in one; and has a panoramic design on the rear side, and a more traditional "Goddess Story - esque" design on the other. There are nine of these designs.
In addition to this, there is another new "BGL" (Boy Girl Love) rarity! A 180-degree move from the "NTR" rarity, this new rarity features the heroine successfully capturing her love interest's heart! The design is much like the previous "NTR" designs, but the collage in the background shows the heroine happy and with her partner!
There is a heavy emphasis on video games in this box, lots of characters from Girl's Frontline, Genshin Impact, Honkai Impact, and Arknights appear in this set!